Divya C. Berry


My Library: A Reading List

A list of personal selections on psychology & life from the library.
counselling bookshelf

Reading List

  • Living at the boundary
    by Laura Perls 
  • Awareness, Dialogue, Process: Essays on Gestalt Therapy
    by Gary Yontef 
  • The Gift of Therapy
    by Irving Yalom
  • Every person’s life is worth a novel
    by Irving Polster
  • On becoming a person
    by Carl Rogers
  • Flow
    by Mihaly Csikszenmihalyi
  • I am OK, You are OK
    by Thomas Harris
  • The Art of War
    by Tsun Zsu
  • Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
    by Robert Pirsig
  • Aware, Awake, Alive
    by Elliot Dacher
  • Women who run with the wolves
    by Clarisa Pinkola Estes
  • Authentic Happiness
    by Martin Seligman
  • Emotional Intelligence
    by Daniel Goleman
  • Integral Psychology: Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology, Therapy
    by Ken Wilber
  • Why people don’t heal and how they can
    by Caroline Myss
  • Gut – the inside story of the body’s most underrated organ
    by Giulia Enders
  • The body keeps the score: brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma
    by Bessel A. van der Kolk
Divya C Berry

Divya C Berry

I am an MBPsS and MBACP accredited counsellor and psychologist. I hold degrees from LSE, University of London and City University London in Social Psychology and Health Psychology at the MA level.

I have five years of clinical practice at Vidyasagar Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences in New Delhi, and have recently completed three years of training at the Gestalt Centre in London. I am currently based in London and am available for online consultations.